Retro Game Wednesday – Psychonauts


That’s what you were probably saying when DKC fell into a black hole, or took a vacation, or went to follow the Dalai Lama or whatever else he claims to have been doing.

Fear not, loyal readers.  Your perseverance  has paid off — because it’s time once again for the next installment of Daniel Casey’s Retro Game Wednesday.

This week, DKC takes on Psychonauts:

Yeah, this isn’t the kind of game that’s easy to explain to people who haven’t seen it. It’s weird. Every little piece of the game contributes to that – the character design (sometimes as lopsided and misshapen as the objects that surround them), the incidental sounds, and especially the voice acting – every bizarre little neurosis is convincingly portrayed. Everything feels just slightly wrong, which is what makes the game so perfectly right.

You must check out the rest of Daniel’s review right here at Steam Addicts.  That’s right – I said ‘must’.  I’m feeling quite cheeky today.

Psychonauts is a great game.  Yup said that too.  After all, Eric Wolpaw of Portal fame backed that game with a great story.

And after reading this week’s RGW, you should stop by and watch (or rewatch) ZP’s old Psychonauts review by Yahtzee.

Because I said so.