Steam Addicts Anonymous: Weekly Roundup 31

New betas and big sales in this edition

  • Guild Wars 2 is going into the second phase of beta. Check it out.
  • Terraria will no longer be receiving updates.
  • Realm of the Mad God and Fallen Earth are both free-to-play now. We had been playing Realm since early on, it is quite good now.
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution is cheap on Steam right now.
  • The first really good Skyrim mods have started rolling out in mass. We suggest you join the group and check out the Kenshiro mod for hand-to-hand.
  • Something that we didn’t point out about Blizzard vs Valve, is that Valve now employs two members who worked on the original DOTA. This would technically give them the upper hand. We also think it is worth mentioning that Gabe has a beard.

Remember, Steam addiction can happen to a family member as well. Don’t let your kids or little cousins game for 16 hours straight. That is for when they are older. As usual, be sure to leave us feedback on what you would like to hear about next edition. Help us help you!