Steam Addicts Anonymous: Weekly Roundup 2

It is once again time to do the weekly news roundup. As usual we’ll be touching on topics we hadn’t gone over, or ones too big to ignore.

  • Congratulations and a shout out to LambdaGeneration who notched their first anniversary this past Saturday.  Keep up the great work guys!  Here’s to many more…
  • Humble Indie Bundle 3 is on now and as always has a ton of great steam games.  This time you can buy and redeem Bundles 2 and 3 for one low price.
  • Fans are having mixed reactions on the Skyrim pre-release and pre-order hat during Quakecon. Regardless, it’s still a great sale.
  • Bethesda is suing Mojang over Notch’s new game. An odd move, we can only hope we don’t see more people sued by Bethsoft.
  • More information has been revealed about the EA and ID joint project Rage, including a trailer for Quakecon.
  • Brink is having a free weekend and releasing their significant Agents of Change DLC, for free. So check it out, you have nothing to lose.
  • Pirates of Black Cove brings a hectic and unique style of play to strategy games. Be sure to check out this in-depth pirate simulation.
  • E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy is shaping up to rival the original Deus Ex in its customization, and even includes squad elements.Definitely your type of game if you dig this genre.
  • People who love HL2 mods will really enjoy the bizarre, quirky Stanley Parable.
  • Other, more enterprising developers might want to win some cash in the GravityGunVille contest.

Steam Addiction can cause serious problems, such as pwning coworkers or buying too many gifts for your loved ones. We’re here to help. As usual, be sure to leave us feedback on what you would like to hear about next edition. Help us help you!