Steam Addicts Anonymous: Weekly Roundup 51

There are some big sales all around, but that is not all the big news.

  • TF2 has some more nice Source Movie Maker videos out for it, such as this one. Many Valve games are having additional store sales too.
  • DOTA 2 now has the completely not demanded Templar Assassin.  There are also special summer chests and better bots, so things are looking up.  This is yet another one with additional discounts in the Steam Store.
  • Terraria is on a very deep discount.  Also you should remember to keep an eye on Starbound from one of the designers of Terraria.
  • Day Z is becoming a sensation, and it has made Arma one of the top sellers. It is still highly unstable though, as the developer admits. I personally was around for one point when the servers had a disaster. We were all animals and such.
  • We sadly didn’t cover this yet on this site, but a great mapping site called PlanetPhilip is back up. They used to focus on Half-life, so what will they do now?

This is a real problem that old sites about maps and mods are coming back. Now all my new games are just sitting here…. like usual. In hindsight, it looks like nothing has changed. Carry on.  As usual, be sure to leave us feedback on what you would like to hear about next edition. Help us help you!

Weekly Roundup