Interview with “Fletch” of fy_abbottabad Fame

From the New York Daily News to the Huffington Post, everyone’s tongue is wagging about this video game that supposedly recreates Osama’s Last Stand.  Of course, as usual, the big news organizations got 1/10th of the story and then ran with it – since video games are involved.

We at Steam Addicts do things a little bit differently – we go straight to the source.  Here is the Aussie known as “Fletch” weighing in on his creation:

What was the inspiration for doing the “Abbottabad” series, and how did you get it done so quickly?
Like I mentioned earlier, I had been on a break of sorts for a few months. I guess mapping just pulled me back in though. When I saw some people wondering when a map would be created, I decided to give it a shot! I think it’s just experience with the Hammer Editor and the source engine. It would probably have been completed a day earlier if it wasn’t for my computer acting up. Almost lost the whole level at one point, but luckily found an update from the night before!

The wait is over!  You can check out our interview right here.