Retro Game Wednesday – Dark Forces

Star Wars video games tend to fall into one of two categories:  those that are terrible (which, is unfortunately, the larger group) and those that are great.  Star Wars: Dark Forces began a series of games which as a whole, were great.

But this first incarnation wasn’t great.  It was… good.  The typical kind of game that made you think: “Wow if they just did (fill in the blank), that would have been a great game.  But how does it stack up in the Retro collection of Steam games?

Daniel Casey looks at it this way:

Yeah, to hell with non-Star Wars fans. Those of us who remain know that Star Wars is awesome, anything they put the Star Wars name on is awesome for at least five minutes, and in my opinion this game continues to be awesome for significantly more than five minutes. You can pretty much have fun with it right up until the first time you get lost in one of the more confusing levels, at which point you will have to decide whether or not this game is worth playing.

You can check out the rest of DKC’s review right here at Steam Addicts.