The cross platform driver/shooter/blow-things up-until-nothing-left-survives game Renegade Ops has been delayed time and time again. Twice, to be exact, each time for reasons unexplained. Attracting players with awesome visuals and fast, visceral combat footage , Renegade Ops only served to disappoint PC gamers with these seemingly endless delays.
However, the day has finally come. The game was released with little fanfare, other then having it’s picture stapled on the front page of the Steam Store along with other titles such as Football Manager 2012 and Haunted: Hell’s Reach. I ignored all that, and finally began my 2 hour download of a game I had been waiting so patiently to play. I also notified my friends, who had received free copies of the game since I had bought the 4-pack with the explicit notion that we, together, would cause so many explosions our eyes would melt from awesome.
The game installed, and although most of my friends were still asleep or still downloading, they were late to the party. I eagerly double clicked the game’s title in my library and smiled as I awaited the opening cinematic and company logos to flash across my screen. What did I receive instead? This.
I sighed, clicked close program, and tried it again. Same result. I then went onto the Steam forums in hopes of finding a solution, or at the very least, a slew of other posts telling me that I am not the only person having this problem. Turns out I wasn’t. Take a look.
I tried the fixes, looked elsewhere, and every attempt at salvaging this game was met with a stoic resistance. AVG_Main, I hate you.
There are other people out there who CAN launch the game, but apparently it’s a tiny minority. So I guess Renegade Ops really isn’t out yet and I urge you to take a pass on it until it’s been fixed. I mean, unless of course you own a console, because then it’s working like a charm. Last time I ever pre-order a game, I swear.
EDIT: So after a small patch the game launches. Big whoop. All I was treated to once I was in game was a long string of stuttering audio, followed by a frozen mouse and keyboard. A small trip to task manager quickly told me that the game was eating up over 90% of my cpu, something even Battlefield 3 won’t do. Hmm. Looks like I’m waiting for yet another patch.
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i found two solutions below by now, you can have a try if you have black screen while playing Renegade Ops.
1. verify integrity of game caches.
2. download: and extract dxgi.dll to following directory:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\renegade ops
X:\ is the drive where your steam located.
at least, these solved my problem while game startup.
How were you able to translate this page Commander?
I tried all of that. They just updated the game which allows me access to it, but once I’m inside my cpu shoots up to 98% usage for no reason, and my whole pc starts stuttering. My pc is well past the recommended specifications mind you.