Many AAA titles such as Guild Wars 2 are making their somewhat buggy releases. Remember, beta is the new alpha, release is the new beta, so let us see what else is going on.
- Torchlight 2 has an official release of September 20th, 2012 now.
- DOTA 2 has not been getting a lot of characters recently. They are probably too busy playing cards. DOTA 2 cards.
- PlanetSide 2 is now out of NDA so you should try to get in when you can. Apply on their main site.
- Super Crate Box was a beloved indie title for ages. Now you can play a better version on Steam.
- Smite is extending their closed beta. This new take on a MOBA will certainly come to Steam eventually.
Everything seems to be going free-to-play now. It sounds fun, but I’ve bought some free-to-play games in an equal amount to 4+ times now. I guess that’s supposed to be four times the fun. As usual, be sure to leave us feedback on what you would like to hear about next edition. Help us help you!
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